
Installing a brand new T56 Tremec Magnum 6 speed transmission into your hotrod or classic muscle car

Today it is popular to swap modern parts into old hot rods. One popular swap is to upgrade the factory 3 speed automatics or 3-4 speed manual to a modern 5 or 6 speed transmission with over drive. Pre 1980’s cars typically had a final drive ratio of 1:1, these transmissions had no overdrive gears, […]


Adding hydraulic clutch to 2nd Gen Firebird Trans Am / Camaro

Installing a hydraulic clutch into a 2nd gen Firebird, Trans Am or Camaro is not a simple task, but it can be done and the benefits are enormous. The optimal time to make such a swap is when you will be replacing the brake booster, as most of the work will require removal of the […]


Installing Hydroboost in my 1981 Trans Am

Installing Hydroboost in my Trans Am was rather straight forward once I knew what was involved. Though it took some time to acquire the parts necessary for the swap, I found it was worth the effort ten fold. The amount of brake pressure and confidence hydroboost gives an old car is indescribable. For those who […]


Hydroboost power brakes – how to pick and plan to install in a hot rod

In this post I will explain the Hydroboost swap in my 2nd gen 1981 Trans Am. This swap was not too difficult but took some time to source parts from various vendors. If I did it over again, I would order the kit offered on ebay rather than piece the system together. This guide will […]


FiTech EFI replacement parts

FiTech Go EFI may be today’s the most popular and least expensive aftermarket fuel injection system available today. It is reliable with lots of flexibility and options for installing on various vehicles. I personally run a FiTech Go EFI 4 – 600hp system on my Pontiac 400 Trans Am and knock on wood I have […]


New firebird in the nest!

I am pleased to report that there is a new Firebird in the nest! Last summer (2018) I acquired a 2000 Trans Am. It is a regular (not WS6) T-top 2000 Trans Am with the 6 speed manual. The color is “Pewter Metallic”, or another word for gray with a gold tint. The car has […]


Pro Touring F Body GT suspension on my Trans Am

Last summer I purchased the Pro Touring F Body GT suspension kit #2CS-426 to solve the car having a slight upward rake. I did not get a chance to install the kit until this last October. I am pleased the announce that the front springs installed without problems and put the ride height right where […]


Trans Am painted!!! Thank you DCI Motorsports!!!

If you have not herd the news, the Trans Am is back from paint and looks great! I took her to DCI Motorsports to be professionally painted, and it is amazing! Don Johnston from DCI used House of Kolor’s Jet Black. There is absolutely no orange peel, the entire car has been buffed and polished […]

News Tools

Thoughts about Craftsman Tools sold to Stanley Black and Decker

Last year Sears quietly announced that the Craftsman, DieHard, and Kenmore brands are for sale. Last week on January 5th Stanley Black and Decker (a very large tool company formed over the past 15 years of various mergers, acquisitions and spin-offs) has acquired the Craftsman brand. Stanley B&D, or Stanley for short, will pay 525 […]

Engine and Components News Project Trans Am

Modified Factory Pontiac Quadrajet Intake for Square-bore FiTech Throttle Body EFI

I finally got around to modifying my factory 1972 Pontiac Quadrajet spread-bore intake to accept the square-bore FiTech throttle body EFI. The results are in, the car runs smoother than ever and I can now mount my shaker to the throttle body using the factory air cleaner base! Modifying a Pontiac Quadrajet intake to accept […]